Before I was a mom:
I had never been pooped on, spit up on, peed on or drooled on.
Before I was a mom:
I didn't know what sleep deprivation was.
Before I was a mom:
I had more places to get dressed up for than just going to the pediatrician's office.
Before I was a mom:
I wore makeup almost everyday, and only wore pajamas to bed...
Before I was a mom:
I could just pick up and go, and not pack a million things for a diaper bag.
Before I was a mom:
I had a clean house...
Before I was a mom:
I never knew how precious a sleeping baby was.
Before I was a mom:
I never knew how calming a crying child could make you feel like a rock star.
Before I was a mom:
I never knew you could squeal with joy at the sight of your babies smiling
Before I was a mom:
I didn't know you could cry just holding your baby(ies)
Before I was a mom:
I didn't really get the eternal perspective
Before I was a mom:
I never knew you could love 3 babies more than you could love anything else in the world.
To all of the amazing women in my life Happy Mother's day!!
Thanks for the pep-talk :)
Enjoy your first Mothers Day (as a mom), you ARE a rock star!!!
this makes me tired just reading it! You are amazing, and so is your mom and her mom!
Before you were a mom you were Awesome...Now you are a mom you are cooler than an Astronaut.
you said it andrea!
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